Can I Appeal the Decision of My Public Insurance Adjuster if I'm Not Satisfied with Their Assessment?

If the outcome of your complaint does not satisfy you, you can write to the insurance company to appeal and they will respond to your appeal within 14 business days. If your insurance company denies your claim, you can appeal that decision. The insurer may have a standard appeal form that you can fill out and, in general, you'll need to submit it within a year or two from the date of the loss. Check with your insurer about the appeal deadline if you're not sure how much time you have left and ask them about next steps. If you are an individual with a claim or an insurance lawyer representing a client facing insurance bad faith, contact Surrano law offices in the Phoenix area for qualified, results-oriented representation.

If you've filed a homeowners insurance claim and you think your insurer has unfairly denied you or offered you an excessively low payment, you still have options. If you suffered a loss of insured property and your insurance company denied your claim, there are steps you can take to challenge the denial of your homeowners insurance claim. The appraiser will send your analysis to the homeowners insurance company, which will then consider the appraiser's opinion to determine whether to accept or decline benefits. If your claim wasn't denied, but you and your insurer don't agree on the amount of damage or repair costs, you can request an independent appraisal from an appraiser or a public insurance adjuster. Gather as much information and evidence as you can, including photos of property damage, a copy of your homeowners insurance policy, and letters from the appraiser.

If the insurance adjuster is found to have made a mistake or acted in bad faith, you could receive financial compensation. If a conversation with a claims adjuster doesn't resolve the issue, you can write a letter to the insurance company requesting an internal review of your claim. If you have a dispute with your life insurer that you have not been able to resolve or that has not been resolved satisfactorily, you can contact FIDRec within six months of receiving the final letter from the life insurer. Insurance departments usually have a number you can call for help and explanations about the basics of homeowners insurance in your state. The company must grant you this right and assign someone from the insurance company to analyze the facts of your case and determine if the appraiser made a mistake.

A public appraiser can verify your coverage, document and assess your losses, and negotiate the maximum compensation allowed under the terms of your homeowners insurance policy. Insurance bad faith means that the homeowner's insurance company isn't handling your case fairly, honestly, or in accordance with applicable state or federal laws. If your agent can't address your concerns, ask if the insurance company can send another appraiser to give you a second opinion. Your insurance company will mail you a formal letter explaining why they denied your claim; if your insurance company doesn't send you a formal letter, your claim hasn't been denied. If all else fails and none of these options work for you, consider filing a lawsuit against your insurer for bad faith practices. If you're not satisfied with how an insurance company is handling your claim or if they've denied it altogether, there are several steps that can be taken to challenge their decision.

You may be able to appeal their decision by requesting an independent appraisal from an appraiser or public adjuster. You may also be able to contact FIDRec within six months of receiving their final letter from the life insurer if there is still no resolution. Additionally, if there is evidence that suggests that the adjuster made a mistake or acted in bad faith, then it may be possible to receive financial compensation for this as well. Ultimately, if all else fails and none of these options work for you, consider filing a lawsuit against your insurer for bad faith practices.